
MeCa is a MeMe daughter, and although she is the youngest of my girls at this time, she is a Star in her own right. While MeMe was a loving and doting mother to all of her puppies, very quickly I noticed that she had a special spot in her heart for MeCa. First, MeCa alone was allowed to take MeMe’s toys and even MeMe’s food. That had absolutely never happened before!

All the same, MeCa is a very sweet and gentle soul. Unless she is outdoors, engaged in one her all time favorite activities: chasing wildlife. She never manages actually to catch any of them, but along with her sister LuLu she has managed to chase off all of the moles and other creatures that were on my countryside property when I first moved in here. There was more than one occasion where I would see MeCa and LuLu working as a team, digging furiously into a hillside on my property. Suddenly there would be a flurry of activity, and suddenly I would see several moles making a mad dash across the field to the nearby river in order to get away from MeCa and LuLu. Quite satisfied with themselves, the sisters would saunter on over to where I was in order to receive a special pat on the head and a touch of praise. We should always remember, after all, that the Golden Retriever is at heart a hunting dog. MeCa is true to the breed’s nature in every way.

Not that you could ever tell from the regal way she spreads out on the sofa, always happy to take a nap or just to snuggle in with her four-legged family or even simply with us two-legged folks.

She has had her eyes, hips, and elbows checked and easily received the appropriate clearances. She has not had any health issues whatsoever, a point that always pleases me even if occasionally I take this for granted with my girls.

Her father Caspar is a gorgeous boy, healthy and going strong. He lives in the Southern California area, with his life-long family.